The Little Booklyn Series
What happens when a group of bookmakers (writers, artists, designers, binders, and apprentices) gather in one town with one purpose - to exploit the rising popularity of miniature books?
What happens when a group of bookmakers (writers, artists, designers, binders, and apprentices) gather in one town with one purpose - to exploit the rising popularity of miniature books?

What happens when an extremely wealthy man endows a town where these people can live rent- and mortgage-free, in a town owned and operated by the trust left by that wealthy man who endowed the trust?

This is the premise of Little Booklyn: not very big, but growing, improving, mostly self-governing, providing necessary amenities - schools, hospital, day-care center, bakery, and a recycling center - a community designed to ease both the physical and financial problems of making a book restricted to an overall size of 76.2 x 76.2 x 76.2?

The Little Booklyn Series explores the possibilities and challenges of living together as people devoted to creating miniatures: they are, after all, people. They have slightly faulty marriages, troubling kids, problems with finding the right (and profitable) topics and designs for publishing. They need workshops, tools, paper, and glue. They need peace and quiet in which to work. No airplanes fly over. No city government demands they mow their grass. No landlord pesters them for a rent payment.
Can they survive?

Can they thrive?

The series explores how some of these struggles can lead to highly decorative, successful, and profitable books and sales.