A major continuing crisis in Little Booklyn is a dependable book supply. If everyone printed on copier paper, there would be no crisis, but every book printer and binder looks for the right color, opacity, drape, ink-absorbing qualities, and ‘feel’ to make his or her book just right. When a box of paper goes missing in the Post Office, Mr. Gluefuold shakes up the postmaster, and turns out every container and corner of the Post Office to find the lady’s paper, while his son comes up with a better plan. This is the fourth book in the series.
Papering Little Booklyn is the fourth book in the Little Booklyn series. It consists of 140 pages, written and illustrated by Patricia Caernarven-Smith. It has overall dimensions of 76 x 76 x 10 mm (3 x 3 x 3/8 inches). It is an open edition, priced at $40 per copy including postage world-wide.