This miniature edition consists of selections from Henry David Thoreau's classic work Cape Cod, with illustrations by Clifton Johnson. These little essays on the history, geology, people, animals, and plants of this forbidding peninsula may qualify Thoreau as a great explorer bent on "discovering" the United States. His exploration shows us something old through new eyes, expressed with dry humor. Those eyes examined Cape Cod as the land "in the middle": dull, barely productive, the people individually solemn, but friendly in groups, the food sufficient but not very tasty, families dissolving for lack of jobs and opportunity. Thoreau asks the question no one else has thought to ask: "Why do these people still live here?".
The book consists of 260 pages, bound in cloth printed with an image of Cape Cod; another image appears on the endpapers. The overall dimensions are 76 x 76 x 16 mm (3 x 3 x 5/8 inches). It is an open edition, price $45 with free shipping and handling.